Facts and Information on the Blue Lacy Dog Breed

What’s better than having a pet that’s full of energy, easy to train, and very smart? Having an open yard to run around is the best thing you can give to Blue Lacy. As elegant as their name sounds, as beautiful is their personality. Their name might have the color blue, but these dogs can have tri-colored or red coats. There are many more interesting things about this breed; if you want to find out, then keep reading. 

Breed NameBlue Lacy
Other NameLacy Dog
Dog Breed TypeWorking Dogs
OriginMarble Falls, Texas
Parent BreedsGrey Hound, Grey wolf, coyote
Height17-25 inches
Weight25-50 pounds
Life Expectancy12-16 years
Coat TypeShort 
Common ColorsYellow, Red, Blue, Cream, Gold
Grooming NeedsBasic 
TemperamentDevoted, Bold, Active, Intelligent, Intense, Alert
Apartment LivingAdaptive to apartment living
Pet-FriendlyIf trained then yes
Health ConcernsAllergies, Hair loss, Demodex mange
Overall HealthHealthy 
Intelligence LevelHigh 
Energy LevelHigh 
Litter Size3-5 puppies

Breed Characteristics

Adaptability 3 stars

Adaptive to apartment living 1 star

Suitable for new owners 1 star

Sensitivity range 4 stars

Comfortable being alone 2 stars

Comfortable with cold weather 4 stars

Comfortable with hot weather 5 stars

All about friendliness 3 stars

Lovable with family 4 stars

Kid-friendly 3 stars

Dog-friendly 2 stars

Frank with strangers 2 stars

Grooming and Health Requirements 3 stars

Shedding quantity 3 stars

Drooling capacity 2 stars

Effortless to groom 5 stars

Overall health 4 stars

Capable of weight gain 2 stars

Size 3 stars

Trainability 5 stars

Effortless to train 5 stars

Smartness 5 stars

Capable of biting 4 stars

Tendency to attack prey 5 stars

Urge to howl or bark 5 stars

Wanderlust personality 4 stars

Physical Requirements 5 stars

Energy range 5 stars

Intensity 5 stars

Exercise requirements 5 stars

Playful personality 4 stars

Vital Statistics






One word that perfectly describes a Blue Lacy is energetic. These bombs of energy need lots of exercise and activities; otherwise, they’ll explode (figuratively). Taking them on long walks and runs daily is the minimum you can do for these dogs. Unlike some breeds, this breed likes to keep itself busy. Give them a job to do, like herding, hunting, guarding the house, or anything you like, and they’ll be more than happy to do it. Despite being so intelligent, a bored Blue Lacy might act out on its own and get destructive. 

The Blue Lacy’s daily requirements include mental as well as physical stimulation. An apartment life or a boring owner doesn’t suit these dogs. They need an active lifestyle with lots of space to run around. They can adapt to apartment life if you train them and provide them with sufficient exercise. This breed is known to be very loving, but they don’t do well with new owners or families with kids or small pets as they have the tendency to attack prey. 

Early socialization and training become necessary for breeds like Blue Lacy as they have a territorial personality. Being possessive or barking as puppies looks very amusing, but it soon becomes negative as they grow. Harsh training methods don’t suit these dogs as they are very sensitive. You can never question their work as they are hard workers. 


The Blue Lacy was named after the family that was behind its breeding. The Lacy brothers-George, Harry, Frank, and Ewin lived in Kentucky when they started creating this breed. In 1858, they moved to Texas and settled in Hill Country; that’s when they seriously started mixing wolves, scenthounds, and greyhounds. This mixing would result in a fast herding dog that would drive hogs to the market for selling in Austin. 

This breed grew in popularity and awareness in the Southwestern region with rural American ranchers. The Blue Lacy’s job expanded to tracing injured deer and chasing work from herding hogs. These dogs became the official State Dog Breed of Texas in 2005 when the legislation was signed by Governor Rick Perry. 

The need for Blue Lacy was reduced when new technologies were introduced to herd livestock, and they were about to go extinct. However, they started to get famous for their hunting talents, and their demand grew. The writer of the novel “Old Yeller,” Fred Gipson, from Mason County, is known to have got inspiration from the Blue Lacy in Hill County. However, the dog mentioned in the novel is a Black Mouth Cur. 


The Blue Lacy are medium-sized dogs that grow tall between 17-25 inches. Their fierce eyes are scarier than their size. Their high energy levels surpass their size, and it becomes necessary to supervise their play sessions with anyone smaller than them, be it kids or pets. 


The personality of a Blue Lacy is a combination of energy and smartness. Their personality allows them to be well-mannered on the one hand and destructive on the other hand. Which side of personality they get entirely depends on their upbringing and how much physical and mental stimulation they get. You can’t restrain them in small or confined spaces for long as they need something to burn off their energy. Even if it means digging or chewing things, they’ll do it for fun. 

It’s easy as well as tricky to train a Blue Lacy. They are highly intelligent dogs that easily understand things but get stubborn when given harsh treatment. That said, you should always use positive and firm training methods with them to get them on their best behavior. Early socialization and training are a necessity for this breed. If you don’t socialize with them from a young age (if you got them as a puppy), then they will become dominant in front of strangers and eventually get aggressive. 

You can’t find a better watchdog than a Blue Lacy. These dogs are protective of their loved ones and act out as soon as they sense danger. Their breeding was initially done for hunting purposes, so they have a natural urge to bark or howl, and once they start, it’s almost difficult to stop them. 


The Blue Lacy breeds are generally considered hardy and healthy dogs. But like all dog breeds, this breed has some health issues associated with it that you should know about. 

  • Hypothyroidism 
  •  Color dilution alopecia (hair loss in patches)
  • Skin issues
  •  Hip or elbow dysplasia
  • Food allergies


Blue Lacys make wonderful companions, but they need an owner who’s assertive, calm, and never afraid to lay down clear rules. These are easily trainable breeds, thanks to their high intelligence levels. They have a naturally territorial personality and will go out of their way to protect their loved ones. These dogs have got a tendency to attack prey and don’t do well in houses with other pets. Overgrowth of nails is never good for any dog, so trim their nails from time to time. Never yell at your Blue Lacy, as they don’t like it and probably won’t even listen to you in the future. Their adaptive nature makes them perfect pets for any type of house. However, constant stimulation, both mental and physical, goes hand in hand with their adaptability. 

Feeding and Diet

If you’re planning to get a pet, then you should also plan to give your pet a high-quality diet. Like every dog, the Blue Lacy has special dietary needs that can only be found out by a vet. The vet will take note of your dog’s age, size, health, and environment to make a suitable diet plan for him or her. A diet plan that fulfills your dog’s needs will keep them healthy and fit. Never feed your dog human food, as you don’t know how the food will react inside its body. 

Coat color and grooming

Don’t go literally by the name when thinking about the color of a Blue Lacy, as they come tri-colored too. The variations can go from grey to black. Don’t take the red color literally, as the shades can be cream, rust, or reddish-brown. The base coat might be blue with red markings. These are low-maintenance dogs as they have smooth and short coats. Weekly brushing is more than enough to maintain them. 

Children and Other pets

The Blue Lacy is generally kind to children, but their high energy levels can prove dangerous to kids. As these dogs have a high prey drive, they might pose a threat to other pets unless you’ve given them proper training and socialization. 


The Blue Lacy dogs are not heavy shedders, but they shed more seasonally.

Male vs. Female attitude

There’s not much difference in the attitude of a male and female Blue Lacy. 


Multiple runs and long walks in a day are needed to keep this breed healthy.

Little known facts

One Blue Lacy can do work equal to five cowboys.

FAQ on breed

  1. Where do the Blue Lacy dog breeds come from?

Marble Falls

  1. What is the best diet routine for a Blue Lacy?

High-quality diet fulfilling your dog’s every nutritional need.

  1. How much exercise is required for a Blue Lacy?

Daily long walks and run

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