Mia Khalifa’s Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Biography on Wikipedia, and Family

Mia Khalifa is a super cool lady who has achieved much in her career. Born in Beirut, she moved to Maryland when she was a little older than you.

In 2014, at the young age of 21, she became an actress in adult movies and quickly rose to fame, becoming the most-viewed actress on Pornhub in just two months! Wow, that’s impressive! Not only is she successful, but she’s also wonderful.

Who is Mia khalifa?

Mia Khalifa is a very talented and famous lady! She was born  on 10 Feb 1993 in Beirut and moved to Maryland when she was a little older than you. Mia is known for her work as an actress in adult movies. She started her career at a very young age and quickly became the most viewed actress on a website called Pornhub!

Wow, that’s impressive. But Mia is not only successful; she is also beautiful inside and out. She has a big heart and cares about important causes. Mia Khalifa is a role model for many people and continues to make a name for herself in the media industry.

Mia Khalifa


Mia Khalifa
Nick Name        
Date Of Birth
10 Feb 1993
United States Lebanon America
United States Lebanon America
Pornographic Actress,
Marital Status
Net Worth
5 Milion Dollor
Not Know
University Of Taxas, IN B.A History

Early Life and Education

Mia Khalifa had an exciting early life. She was born in Beirut, which is a city in Lebanon, and then she moved to Maryland in the United States. Mia had to learn a new language and adapt to a different culture, which must have been a big adventure.

Growing up, she went to school and worked hard to get a good education. Mia is an intelligent lady who knows the importance of learning and never giving up. Education is something she values a lot, and it has helped her become the successful woman she is today.

Parents and Siblings

Mia Khalifa is lucky to have a wonderful family. Her parents are very proud of her and support her in everything she does. She also has siblings, so she has brothers and sisters to play with and share secrets. Having a close-knit family is unique because they love you no matter what.

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Mia’s family is always there for her, cheering her on and making her feel loved. It’s important to remember that family is not just about blood but also about the people who love and care for you. Mia Khalifa is grateful for her amazing family, and they are proud of all her achievements!


Mia Khalifa is a strong, independent woman who is focused on her career right now.  She is in a relationship Jhay Cortez’s which is ended in 2022 . Sometimes, it’s essential to focus on yourself and your goals before getting into a serious relationship.

Mia is enjoying her life and working hard to achieve her dreams. She believes that love will come when the time is right. So, for now, Mia Khalifa is happy being single and living her best life!


Mia Khalifa does not have any children at the moment. She is focused on her career and working hard to achieve her dreams. Having children is a big responsibility, and Mia wants to make sure she is in the right place in her life before starting a family.

For now, she is enjoying her life, pursuing her passions, and having fun. Mia believes that when the time is right, she will be ready to have children and provide them all the love and care they deserve. But for now, she is happy being a successful and independent woman.

Age, height, weight, And physical appearance

Mia Khalifa is a grown-up now, and she is curntly 30 years old as of 2023. She is a beautiful lady with long dark hair and sparkling eyes. She has a slim and fit body, and she takes good care of herself by eating healthy food and exercising regularly. Her weight is around 55kg.

Mia Khalifa

Mia is not very tall, standing at around 5 feet 2 inches, but she knows that height doesn’t matter when it comes to being successful. She is confident and proud of her appearance, encouraging others to embrace their uniqueness and feel good in their skin. Remember, it’s what’s on the inside that counts the most!

Before Fame

Before Mia Khalifa became a famous actress, she had an everyday life like you! She grew up in Lebanon and then moved to Maryland. She went to school and worked hard to get a good education. Mia knew she wanted to do something special with her life, but she wasn’t sure what that was yet.

Before fame, Mia was just a regular girl with big dreams. She loved playing sports and spending time with her friends and family. Little did she know, her future was about to change, and she would become one of the most famous actresses in the world!


After Mia Khalifa finished her education, she started her career as an actress in adult movies. She became very famous and gained a lot of fans in a short amount of time. Mia worked hard and was determined to be successful in the media industry.

She had many opportunities and starred in numerous movies. Mia’s career was exciting, but it also came with challenges. She faced criticism from some people who didn’t understand her choices. However, Mia remained strong and focused on her goals. She is a talented actress and continues to make a name for herself in the media world.

Mia Khalifa Net Worth

Mia Khalifa has achieved much success in her career, translating into a significant net worth. While the exact figure is unknown, it is estimated that Mia Khalifa’s net worth is around $5 million. She has monetized her popularity and fame through various avenues such as endorsements, appearances, and social media.

It’s important to remember that net worth is not just about money but also about the impact and influence a person has. Mia Khalifa has undoubtedly made a name for herself in the entertainment industry and continues to be a well-known figure.

Future Plans and Projects

In the future, Mia Khalifa has many exciting plans and projects in store! She wants to continue making a positive impact in the media industry and inspire others with her work. Mia is passionate about using her platform to raise awareness about important issues and support causes close to her heart.

She also hopes to explore new opportunities and take on different roles in the entertainment world. Mia believes the sky’s the limit, and she’s determined to keep working hard and making a difference. Stay tuned for all the fantastic things Mia Khalifa has in store for the future!

Mia Khalifa Hobbies

  • Mia Khalifa has a lot of fun hobbies that she loves to do in her free time!
  • She enjoys reading books and has an extensive collection of her favorite stories.
  • Mia also likes to play video games, and her favorite game is Minecraft.
  • She loves spending time with her pet cat, Whiskers, and caring for her.
  • Mia is a talented artist and enjoys drawing and painting beautiful pictures.
  • She is also a big sports fan and loves watching basketball and soccer games.
  • Mia’s favorite hobby is traveling and exploring new places around the world.
  • She enjoys trying different types of delicious food from other countries.
  • These are just a few of Mia Khalifa’s hobbies, and she has so much fun doing them!

Mia Khalifa Favorite things

  • Mia Khalifa has a lot of favorite things that she loves!
  • Her favorite color is purple, and she loves wearing purple clothes and accessories.
  • Mia enjoys reading books, and she has an extensive collection of novels in her library.
  • She has a pet cat named Whiskers, and she loves spending time with her furry friend.
  • Mia likes playing video games in her free time, and her favorite game is Minecraft.
  • She is a big foodie and loves trying out new cuisines worldwide.
  • Mia is also a talented artist and enjoys painting and drawing.
  • She loves watching basketball and soccer games because she is a big sports fan.
  • Mia’s favorite hobby is traveling, and she has visited many different countries worldwide.
  • Mia Khalifa has so many favorite things, and it’s what makes her unique and special!

interesting facts about Mia Khalifa

  • Mia Khalifa’s favorite color is purple, and she loves wearing purple clothes and accessories.
  • She enjoys reading books and has an extensive collection of novels in her library.
  • Mia loves animals and has a pet cat named Whiskers, who she adores.
  • She enjoys playing video games in her free time, and her favorite game is Minecraft.
  • Mia is a big foodie and loves trying out new cuisines worldwide.
  • She is a talented artist and enjoys painting and drawing in her spare time.
  • Mia is also a big sports fan and enjoys watching basketball and soccer games.
  • She loves traveling and has visited many different countries around the world.
  • These are just a few interesting facts about Mia Khalifa. She’s a fascinating person with many unique qualities and interests.


Is Mia Khalifa still making adult movies?
No, Mia Khalifa retired from the adult film industry in 2015. She decided to leave the industry and focus on other projects and goals in her life.
Does Mia Khalifa have any children?
No, Mia Khalifa does not have any children at the moment. She is currently focused on her career and personal goals.
How tall is Mia Khalifa?
Mia Khalifa is approximately 5 feet 2 inches tall.
How much is Mia Khalifa’s net worth?
Mia Khalifa’s net worth is estimated to be around $5 million.
What are Mia Khalifa’s plans?
Mia Khalifa plans to continue making a positive impact in the media industry and use her platform to raise awareness for important causes. She is also exploring new opportunities and taking on different roles in the entertainment world.


Mia Khalifa is a remarkable woman who has achieved much in her career. She started from humble beginnings and worked hard to become the successful and influential figure she is today. Mia is not only beautiful on the outside, but she also has a big heart and cares about important causes.
She is a role model for many people and continues to make a name for herself in the media industry. With her determination and passion, Mia Khalifa has a bright future ahead of her. We can’t wait to see all the amazing things she will do next!

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