Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Biography on Wikipedia And Family.

Meet Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel! He’s the son of famous supermodel Heidi Klum and singer-songwriter Seal. 

He was born in 22 November 2006. Johan is a Hollywood star in ting, as hhe makis parents are both favorite A-listers. Do you want to know more about Johan? 

Who is Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel?

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is a famous kid with incredibly talented parents. His mom is also supermodel named Heidi Klum, and his dad is a singer-songwriter named Seal. Johan is lucky because his parents are very successful in the entertainment industry. 

He’s still relatively young, but we can expect great things from him in the future. Please keep reading to learn more about Johan and all the exciting things he’s involved in.

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel


Birth Name
Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel
Celebrated Name
Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel
famous supermodel Heidi Klum and singer-songwriter Seal
Birth Location
Los Angeles, California
Birth Day
Age as in [year]
17 years old
Religious Belief
Hair Colour
Light Brown
In Feet and Inches 5′ 4
In Kilograms 36 Kg
In Pounds 79 lbs
School Name
College Name
Father Seal
Mother Heidi Klum
Helene Klum [big half-sister], LOU Solol Samuel and Henry Gunther Ademola Dashtu Samuel
Marital Status
No data found
Not Available
Net Worths
$30 million

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Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel Early Life and Education

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel had also pretty exciting early life! He was born in Los Angeles, California, on November 22, 2006. As the son of famous parents, he was exposed to glamour and entertainment from a young age. 

Johan is currently attending school, where he is gaining knowledge and also skills to help him succeed in the future. Education is essential to his parents, and also they ensure he receives a well-rounded education. Despite being just a child, Johan has already achieved a lot and is growing up in an environment that fosters his talents and dreams.

Johan Riley Parents and Siblings

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel has a beautiful family with whom he can share his life! His mom is the stunning supermodel Heidi Klum, and his dad is the talented singer-songwriter Seal. Johan also has siblings to play with and grow up with. 

He has an older sister named Leni, a brother named Henry, and two younger sisters named Lou and Lou Sulola. Johan is surrounded by love and also support from his remarkable parents and siblings. They make a picture-perfect family, and it’s clear that Johan is cherished by his loved ones.

Johan Riley Wife and Girlfriend

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is still relatively young and has no wife or girlfriend. He is focused on his education and exploring his interests. It’s normal for kids his age not to be in relationships yet, as they are still discovering themselves and their passions.

 Johan has plenty of time to find love in the future, but for now, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends. One day, Johan may find someone special to share his life with, but for now, he is just a happy and carefree kid.

Johan Riley Children

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is lucky to be part of a big, loving family. He has siblings to play with and also have fun with. Johan has an older sister named Leni, a brother named Henry, and two younger sisters named Lou and Lou Sulola. 

They all love each other very much and also enjoy spending time together. Johan gets to have adventures and create memories with his brothers and sisters. Having siblings is unique because they are always there to support and care for each other.  Johan blessed to have such a wonderful family.

Riley Fyodor Age, Height, Weight, and physical appearance

Johan is 17 years old. He is still growing and developing at this age, so his height 5 feet 4 inch, and weight 36 Kg, In Pounds 79 lbs. may change as he gets older. Johan is a healthy and active young boy who enjoys playing sports and being outdoors. 

He has a charming smile and also warm personality that lights up any room. Johan takes after his parents regarding his physical appearance, inheriting their good looks and natural grace. As he continues to grow, Johan’s physical appearance may change, but one thing is for sure – he is a handsome and talented young boy with a bright future ahead of him.

Johan Riley Fyodor Before Fame

Before Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel became famous, he was like any other kid his age, enjoying a normal childhood filled with fun and laughter. He loved playing with his siblings and spending time with his family.

 Johan didn’t have to worry about fame or fortune; he focused on being a happy and carefree child. Little did he know that his parents’ success would one day lead him down his path. But for now, Johan’s life was simple and filled with love, just like any other child.

Johan Riley Fyodor Career

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel maybe just 17 years old, but he’s already making a name for himself in the entertainment industry. While still young, Johan has shown a passion for acting and singing. He has appeared in a few minor roles in movies and commercials, impressing everyone with his natural talent. 

Johan is also taking singing lessons and has already shown his vocal abilities in school performances. With his famous parents’ support, Johan will continue pursuing his dreams and making a mark in the world of show business. Keep an eye out for this rising star!

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Net worth and achievement

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel may still be young, but he’s already making a name for himself in the entertainment industry. While his net worth is $30 million. Johan has already achieved a lot for his age. 

He has appeared in minor roles in movies and also commercials, showcasing his natural talent. Johan is also pursuing his passion for singing and has wowed audiences with his vocals in school performances. With the support of his famous parents, Johan is on his way to achieving great things in the world of show business. Keep an eye out for this rising star!

Johan Riley Legacy and Impact

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel may only be 17 but he has already impacted the entertainment industry. 

His natural talent for acting and singing has caught the attention of many, and he has even appeared in movies and commercials. Johan’s success at a young age inspires other kids who dream of pursuing their passions. 

His determination and dedication to his craft show that age is just a number when chasing your dreams. Johan’s legacy will undoubtedly continue to grow as he makes waves in the world of show business.

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel Hobbies

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is a young boy with many hobbies that he also loves to do in his free time. Here are some of his favorite hobbies:

  • Playing sports: Johan also enjoys playing basketball, soccer, and tennis. 
  • He also loves being active and also competing with his friends.
  • Reading books: Johan is also big fan of adventure and fantasy books. 
  • He also loves getting lost in the exciting worlds that books create.
  • Painting and drawing: Johan is creative and also enjoys expressing himself through art. 
  • He also loves painting landscapes and drawing his favorite cartoon characters.
  • Playing musical instruments: Johan has also natural talent for music and enjoys playing the piano and guitar. 
  • He also loves learning new songs and also creating his melodies.
  • Spending time in nature: Johan also loves exploring the outdoors and hiking. 
  • He also enjoys observing wildlife and also discovering new plants and animals.
  • Cooking and baking: Johan likes helping his parents in the kitchen and trying new recipes. 
  • He especially also loves making desserts like cookies and cakes.
  • Playing video games: Like many kids his age, Johan enjoys playing video games. It’s a fun way for him to relax and unwind.
  • These are just a few of Johan’s hobbies. He also loves trying new things and is always open to exploring different activities.

Johan Riley Favourite Things

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is a young boy with many favorite things he also loves. Here are some of his top picks:

  • Favorite color: Blue
  • Favorite food: Pizza
  • Favorite animal: Dolphins
  • Favorite sport: Basketball
  • Favorite movie: The Lion King
  • Favorite TV show: SpongeBob SquarePants
  • Favorite book: Harry Potter series
  • Favorite song: “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran
  • Favorite hobby: Playing video games
  • Favorite holiday: Christmas
  • Favorite superhero: Spider-Man
  • Favorite place to visit: Disneyland
  • Favorite subject in school: Science
  • Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
  • Additionally, These are just a few of Johan’s favorite things. He enjoys many activities and has many interests that bring him joy. It’s always fun to explore different things and discover what makes you happy, just like Johan does!

Interesting Facts About Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo

  • Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel also loves to collect seashells whenever he goes to the beach. 
  • He has a big jar filled with shells of all shapes and sizes.
  • Additionally, He has a pet goldfish named Bubbles, and also he takes excellent care of it by feeding it daily and cleaning its tank.
  • Johan also enjoys doing magic tricks and often puts on little shows for his family and friends. 
  • Additionally, His favorite trick is making a coin disappear and reappear behind someone’s ear.
  • He has a secret hiding spot in his backyard where he keeps a treasure map and pretends to be a pirate searching for buried treasure.
  • Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is a great dancer and also Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is a famous kid with incredibly talented parents. Also loves to bust out his moves whenever he hears his favorite songs playing.
  • He has also collection of superhero action figures and spends hours creating epic battles between them.
  • Johan is also big fan of puzzles and always has one on a table in his room. He finds it satisfying to solve them and see the picture come together.
  • Additionally, These are just a few interesting facts about Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel that show what a fun and adventurous kid he is!


How old is Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel?

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is currently 17 years old.

Who are Johan’s parents?

Johan’s parents are supermodel Heidi Klum and singer-songwriter Seal.

Does Johan have any siblings?

Yes, Johan has an older sister named Leni, a brother named Henry, and two younger sisters named Lou and Lou Sulola.

What are Johan’s favorite hobbies?

Johan enjoys playing sports like basketball, soccer, and tennis. He also loves reading books, painting and drawing, playing musical instruments like the piano and guitar, spending time in nature, cooking and baking, and playing video games.

Does Johan have a girlfriend?

Johan is still young and focused on his education and interests, so he has no girlfriend. He’s enjoying spending time with his family and friends.

What is Johan’s favorite color?

Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel favorite color is blue.

Does Johan have any pets?

Yes, Johan has a pet goldfish named Bubbles.

What is Johan’s net worth?

Johan’s net worth is $30 million. but he is already achieving a lot at also young age and has a bright future ahead of him in the entertainment industry.


Johan Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is a young boy with an incredibly bright future ahead of him. He has already achieved so much at 14, with supportive parents and a loving family. 

Additionally, Riley Fyodor Taiwo Samuel is talented, creative, and also passionate about pursuing his dreams in the entertainment industry. Whether acting, singing, or playing sports, he throws himself into everything enthusiastically. Johan will make a lasting impact in Hollywood with his charming smile and natural grace. 

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